
Dressage Training
in Münster




Dressage Training Stable Frank Bogenschütz
Training & Sales



Since generations working with horses is a passion for the Bogenschütz family.  -



Nero in UnnaWhen looking at the equestrian dedication of his parents, it is only logical that Frank discovered his passion for horses already right from his childhood.





In 1991 Frank began an apprenticeship in the department “Zucht & Haltung” at the National State Sud Marbach in Southern Germany.





After his successful graduation in 1994 he changed to the famous dressage trainer Christoph von Daehne in Nörthen- Hardenberg where he improved his equestrian skills and where he was trained as a professional rider.




In 1996 he passed his final exams as “Pferdewirt / Reiten” with top grades and was awarded with the Stensbeck-Badge (special honour).


During his time with Christoph von Daehne he trained and successfully presented top horses from basic level up to Intermediare I.



Regazzoni-1In 1998 Frank changed to the famous Klimke family in Münster.
He trained their talented horses and gained many placements in various dressage levels.

During all the time he additionally performed in jumping classes up to M level.